Finding Out Life

Freshman Orientation ^o^

Posted on: August 2, 2013


So I just got back from my Freshman Orentation. It was pretty dang awesome. I mean, to most of you, you probably think I’m crazy because there was very little interaction between D and I. There was most definetly interaction though. I’m not on any drugs….you can trust me. But I was hanging out with K the entire time and all. I mean no duh I would. But I guess she got tired of my talking about him the whole 4 hours it was. But when it was ending me and K were walking out and I was looking around for him, and lo and behold we hear someone behind us talking about him to someone else and pointed him in the direction of where D went. So, me and my girly crushing instincts told K and we went over there and D saw us and was like “Why don’t we just go out this way ?”. Because the way everyone was going out one door making a crowd of the hot sweaty freshman class. And we made eye contact !! o.o Anyways, there was another door we could go out. But of course K just wants to ruin my love life. K, if you happen to read this, which you probably will sooner or later, THANKS A LOT -.- Lol but if she didn’t let us go that way then maybe we wouldn’t have bumped into him outside of the gym.  So then when we got outside I saw him and all and K had to go catch her bus so I went with my gay guy friend to go and wait but then Kiley called me back so then I went to her and she basically pushed me towards D and then she was like “There talk to her !”. I didn’t get to ask her why she did call me. Hmph. I’ll ask later. Anyways so then he was like “Hi ! I’m D____ _______. And ________________________.”. I put blanks for the last part because I was so nervous I would do/say something stupid so I kinda blanked out unfortuantely and didn’t hear what he said ._. But then he stuck his hand out and then we shook hands and all. That was all that happened ._.








Oh yeah. Blog to you later ! 😀

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