Finding Out Life

She Called…..

Posted on: August 5, 2013

Yesterday.  GG called me. If it were up to me I would’ve ignored it. But as soon as my sister called me to look at the caller ID on the TV and tell me that she also called the house earlier while I was gone, my grandma had already picked up the phone and was calling me to the front room. Great. So I went up to the front room to get the phone. I mean, I haven’t told you guys this, but like 2 days after our fight, she apologized. Said what she said was “Way out of line”. But honestly. I don’t want to be her friend. I told you guys that. Ever since we’ve stopped being friends, things have been easier. I mean, I don’t know what “things” exactly, but….like I don’t know how to explain it. I just, like things have been easier without her. Life was a drag. I mean, she’s said she’ll try to change, but I don’t think she will, and I don’t want to risk it for someone who wasn’t all that good of a friend in the first place. I feel like she’s trying to guilt me into being her friend again. She said that it’s “been the longest 7 days of [her] life”. But it’s not going to work, do I feel guilty ? Only the tiniest bit. But not enough to bring me back. I told her maybe some other time we could be friends again, but honestly, I don’t even know if I want that. Because I know that with me, being the only real friend she’s ever had, she’ll suffocate me and think we’re best friends again. And because K doesn’t like GG, they can’t hang out together. And I don’t want to hang out with her alone. So I’m really stuck right now because I don’t know if she’s gonna call again, or message me again, but I just hope that she stops. I’ve been ignoring her messages but she doesn’t get the point that I DON’T WANT TO BE HER FRIEND.


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