Finding Out Life

Posts Tagged ‘awesome

I didn’t do anything to mess up my reputation (At least the one I have), so don’t worry. I just haven’t posted in FIVEVER !  Sorry, been SUPER busy with all of my stupid classes. And the fact that my phones broken and I don’t have WiFi at my house either. So I haven’t been able to post. Not that anyone’s really missing out. Anywhore, ummm.. a lot happened in the past 2 months and whatever days it’s been.  So I figured out what’s up with Douche. He didn’t move houses, he just stopped going to public school and is going to that weird online high school. So, you know, he’s out of my life and I’m out of his. Happy happy. Although I’m not too sure he’s happy, you know, being him and all. KC and S’s ex broke up. Apparently she only went out with him because she felt bad for him after S dumped him. And now he’s going out with some other girl who doesn’t affect me or concern this whole story thing I’ve got going on. Things are still the same with D and all. Not getting anywhere and probably never will. But recently I’ve seen him looking at me and stuff. So you know, probably just being crazy. Theres this other guy though. We’ll call him… hmmm…idk because his name starts with a T and me and him have this ongoing real life poke war. So I wanna call him TP because of him name and for “poke” but that’s just an awful name. Lmao whatever he’s TP guys ._. I might have mentioned him before but I have him in my English class and we used to sit next to each other but then we moved seats \(._.)/ Speaking of moving seats that also happened in Geometry ._. No more sitting next to D for me ! D’: Back to TP, he’s going out with this girl DUHLMM(Doesn’t Understand He Likes Me…Maybe) but we’re still kinda flirty. Like before they started going out the people who sat around us would be like “Stop flirting !” you know all immature like the freshman they are. And these two girls asked if he was my boyfriend when we were being all stupid and pokey. MY BOYFRIEND. If it looks like he’s my boyfriend then he obviously likes me. RIGHT ? So they asked if I liked him and I was like “Mayyyybbbbbeeee” and they said they thought he liked me too. So I have him to fall back on because I’m still really hoping on D. Theres a difference between them though. I like them in different ways. Like with D, I’ll wipe my red lipstick off before I have class with him because I feel like it gives him the wrong idea about me and like I’m trying too hard. And with TP, I’ll put more on before I have class with him, like he’s the guy that I want to look at me, and for D I feel like he doesn’t care how a girl looks and doesn’t need to be impressed by how high my heels are. But TP notices those things and makes conversation about it and comes over to my desk. But then when I see them both and I’m just looking at them, D is the guy that makes me feel tingly and TP makes me feel warm. Usually those things go hand in hand but I see a distinction. D makes me all “Mmmph. Look at dem legs ;)” but then TP makes me all “*sigh* I wish he was mine….”. So I just don’t know. Uh. Guys are a load. So some other little things that happened were my gay friend got a boyfriend. Idk if I told you about him. THEY ARE SO ADORABLE. Uh. They bring me joy. Since school is close to going on break, I wanna give TP one of those candy cane gram things ? You know what I’m talking about ? You know, from Mean Girls, Glen Coco candy canes ! Lol yeah my school’s doing those. So I’ll send one to him and have it be anonymous and I’ll write “I really like you. I don’t know if you know who I am but ask around. You find me.” Idk. Something along those lines but seeing that typed out looks really stalkerish ._. Well. I think I’m done. I can’t think of any more to say so I’m gonna stop writing. I’m probably not gonna be able to blog for a while so sorry ! D:

Blog To You Later ! 😀


So I just got back from my Freshman Orentation. It was pretty dang awesome. I mean, to most of you, you probably think I’m crazy because there was very little interaction between D and I. There was most definetly interaction though. I’m not on any drugs….you can trust me. But I was hanging out with K the entire time and all. I mean no duh I would. But I guess she got tired of my talking about him the whole 4 hours it was. But when it was ending me and K were walking out and I was looking around for him, and lo and behold we hear someone behind us talking about him to someone else and pointed him in the direction of where D went. So, me and my girly crushing instincts told K and we went over there and D saw us and was like “Why don’t we just go out this way ?”. Because the way everyone was going out one door making a crowd of the hot sweaty freshman class. And we made eye contact !! o.o Anyways, there was another door we could go out. But of course K just wants to ruin my love life. K, if you happen to read this, which you probably will sooner or later, THANKS A LOT -.- Lol but if she didn’t let us go that way then maybe we wouldn’t have bumped into him outside of the gym.  So then when we got outside I saw him and all and K had to go catch her bus so I went with my gay guy friend to go and wait but then Kiley called me back so then I went to her and she basically pushed me towards D and then she was like “There talk to her !”. I didn’t get to ask her why she did call me. Hmph. I’ll ask later. Anyways so then he was like “Hi ! I’m D____ _______. And ________________________.”. I put blanks for the last part because I was so nervous I would do/say something stupid so I kinda blanked out unfortuantely and didn’t hear what he said ._. But then he stuck his hand out and then we shook hands and all. That was all that happened ._.








Oh yeah. Blog to you later ! 😀
