Finding Out Life

Posts Tagged ‘past

For the time being, lets pretend these girls are much older than they look. Oh, and that these two girls are me, and KC. Yeah. I want to say that we got into a big argument, but it really wasn’t that big. So. It all started because I posted on Facebook about how I had 7 followers at the time. And this one girl who I’m kinda friends with, asked what it was so she could follow me. I commented the link to it and stuff and all was fine. Except for the fact that she never followed me ._. Not the point. Ummm so I said in my last blog, or a couple of blogs ago I don’t even remember. But I said that I wanted to try to be KC’s friend right ? Yeah, so I sent her a friend request on FB. And she accepted and all. But I guess she saw my post about my blog about her and Douche. So she got mad and stuff and we got into an argument. Blah blah blah long story short, everything was explained, we both apologized and stuff. So we’re friends now. And I’m writing this blog for her. Because she wanted me to fix stuff. The only thing to change though is that Douche is no longer Douche. Although we’ll probably never have to talk about him, in case he happens to come up, we’ll just refer to him as X. But that’s basically all. This blog probably wasn’t too interesting, but it was just to clear things up. So… to you later ! 😀

Bad pasts can be fixed.
