Finding Out Life

Posts Tagged ‘guy

First of all let me say that I didn’t really know what to title this. Because it’s just kinda all over. Well, I guess since I promised, I have to tell about my one breakup. Not multiple breakups. Just one. Yeah, I’ve only ever had one boyfriend. It’s a bummer but whatever. So anyways, let’s call my ex Douche. So I liked Douche the beginning of the year and all. And blah blah blah I won’t bore you with the long story of how we got together. I mean unless you want me to. Then just comment in that little handy box below c: Anyways, we had almost gone out for 5 months, which I know isn’t a lot, but to me it was. But then he told me he “wasn’t ready for a relationship”. Which was the biggest BS lie I’ve ever heard in my 13 (almost 14) years of life. Wanna know why ? Yeah….cuz uh….like 2 weeks later, he got a girlfriend. And this girlfriend was the new girl in school, we’ll call her KC, if she happens to come up in the future. And me and a group of my friends KINDLY took her in and saved her from the wrath of the mean popular 8th graders that tried to take her. Some people are probably thinking we were crazy for taking away any chance of being popular. But trust me. We saved her. BIG TIME. And she repays us by going out with MY EX BOYFRIEND. Yeah ok we aren’t friends anymore. I mean, I’m kinda starting to think that I should at least TRY to be her friend. Because when I was still going out with Douche, I was trying to be friends with his ex, we’ll call her S. I mean, we’re really good friends now and all, but it’s hypocritical of me to not be KC’s friend when I didn’t see why S wouldn’t be mine. Anyways, that’s my lame breakup story. And that picture way up there is just a translation to help you understand what they REALLY mean. Now, onto the fun part.


So. I’m sure every single one of us has had a crush sometime in our lifespan. They bring so much joy into our lives don’t they ! I see them like drugs. You think they bring you joy for a period of time but then the side effects kick in and life sucks. I figure that’s why there called crushes. THEY CRUSH YOU. Cheesy huh ? I try.  I don’t see how anyone could NOT have a crush. Like I said they’re a drug we’re all addicted to. My crush is like, beyond perfection. D. I mentioned him a couple of blogs ago. His hair is like, PERFECT. It’s kinda sorta curly but it’s like only really curly on the ends of his hair. And he has the cutest cheesiest smile c: And I’m pretty sure he’s Mexican judging from his last name but he cannot act Mexican. Ok that was kinda confusing. Umm…like he says Hola but it sounds totally white when he does it. But it’s cute c: And he over uses the smiley face 😀 But again it’s just cute. I’ve actually never had a conversation with him in real life :c It’s sad. I know. But I’ve been texting him and stuff but he takes forever and a half to text back. So we don’t get through much before he has to go to bed. But when I went on this school sponsored trip to California, we went to the beach and along with other guys, HE BURIED ME IN THE SAND ! 😀 He didn’t even know me then And I don’t know how known I am to him now, if at all. But it meant nothing :c I barely started liking him then. K, my best friend, is his cousin. I mean I already told you that. But she thinks that I’m his type. I don’t even know what my type is ._. I guess I kinda like nerdy guys. Cute, funny, Idk. Smart. A one-way ticket to popularity would be nice, but that would never happen. So. My beloved followers that I oh-so appreciate. Well first of all, thanks for following my blog ! I’m thankful to have you guys. But please comment ! Tell me about your crush. But most of you guys are probably married :b Lol idk but tell me something ! Give me ideas for my next blog. What can I do to make my blog better ? And please, if possible, show my blog to your friends or other bloggers or ANYONE ! So….blog to you later c:
